Cambridge Men's Group Two-Year Check-In Survey Results

The Cambridge Men's Group Two-Year Check-In survey was run for a few weeks in February & March of 2009. There were approximately 240 members on the list at the time, and 24 people completed the survey, which is a pretty good response rate of 10%.

Here is how people answered the seven questions, followed by a summary of what we think this all means.


In the two years since the Cambridge Men’s Group started, we have had over 100 events, so we thought it might be a good time to survey the membership and see how we’re doing, and what we could do to get more of you to come. As you can see in the silly pie charts, most of our events have been on the weekends. Is that an issue? Are you happy with the kinds of events we are having? What would you like to see more of? If you could take a few minutes to answer a few questions, we’d appreciate it.

Pie Charts of What Events & Days of the Week We've Done in the Past Two Years

What kinds of events would you like to see more of?
(Select as many as you like.)
Pie Chart of Events as Voted on in Survey

“Other” responses:

There are a lot of free or inexpensive classical concerts in Cambridge. MIT; Longy; Harvard Univ; Boston Conservatory; at Sanders. I enjoy meeting members in an intimate setting such a home or yard. Some of the day trips are fun. I would be willing to have a potluck if people are willing to travel to Malden (Orange Line).

I can't say I want to see MORE of these, but I just think those are the events I thought worked best.

Liberty Fleet at Long Wharf - summer - evening sail Boston By Foot Harbor Islands.

I think it would be cool to have a 'Meet Each Other' event once or twice a year. Not that that can't happen at each and every event, but new people who've been too shy to come to an event swing by and meet everyone in the group and let's all chat and be social isn't a bad idea.

Museum Outings.

The examples given below are excellent suggestions...

I personally like * Coffee Chats * Hikes * Watching sports * Singles night * Cosponsor events with other groups.

A Community Center, a place where we can gather or stop in conveniently to see what's happening.

What days of the week do you prefer for events?
(Select as many as you like.)
Pie Chart of Days of the Week as Voted on in Survey
Would you be willing to help organize an event to make it happen?
Pie Chart of Whether People Would beWilling to Organize an Event
If you said yes (or optional even if you didn't), please give us your name & email address.
Pie Chart of How Many People Gave Contact Info
Would you be interested if we did a trip to NYC for a Broadway show?
Pie Chart of How People Voted on a Broadway Trip
If we did do a trip to NYC for a Broadway show, which would you be interested in
(Select as many as you like.)
Pie Chart of Broadway Details as Voted on in Survey

“Other” responses:

Whole weekend, one show and night clubbing

I have classes on weekends that makes travel very difficult

Anything else you’d like to tell us about the events or the group or yourself or anything else?

I am glad that we have the group and I appreciate all the effort.

I'm a new member and I am impressed by the vitality of the group and the volume of activities.

Great Job. 2 years 100 events is awesome. Having a space for Gay men is great. Perhaps we could try and get more members who represent the diversity in Cambridge city.

Budgets are a concern for me. Also I think one makes better friends meeting at peoples houses and I particularly don't like restaurant or other events that interfere with the possibility of getting acquainted with other people. I am willing to bring food or other things to someone else’s home. I cannot host.

"You've all done very well." (Mr. Grace of Grace's Dept Store)

So What Does All This Mean?


In general, what we've been doing tracks pretty well what you asked for. Some exceptions are:
One idea we're percolating on that might help with the last two items on that list is to have a designated night at a designated bar or restaurant in Cambridge where guys could just show up for dinner, or a drink, or just to hang out, similar to what they do in Melrose.

Days of the Week

Saturday & Sunday still top the list of days, followed by Friday, then Thursday, with less voting for Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. But that doesn't mean we'll neglect you non-weekend folks! And if you're an early-in-the-week kinda guy, consider organizing some more events on those days. Others like you will appreciate it!


Thank you to the many folks who volunteered, especially the ones we haven't met yet! If you answered yes to this question, you wil lbe getting an invitation to join the organizer's list. We look forward to your ideas, your energy, and you!


Looks like we have enough interest to look into a one- or two-day trip to NYC.
A one-day trip is certainly less expensive & simpler to arrange. Stay tuned!


Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to our survey. Look for more fun events coming up!