The Cambridge Men's Group is a social group
gay and bi men in the Cambridge, Mass. area -- and their friends. We
regularly for social & other events, either at member's homes,
local restaurants,
theater or movie excursions, day trips, etc. Where we go with this is
as much up
to you as it is to anyone else.
Although based in Cambridge, we have members who live or work
in Somerville, Arlington, Boston & beyond. Come join us!
We use the Yahoo Group CambridgeMensGroup as our main way of
communicating, so if you'd like to get on our group list:

For more information, email
Sign up to stay informed -- We're looking forward to
you at one of our events!
Men's Group Apparel

And in the planning stages ...
- Return visit to Frank's Steak
House for Dinner & Sing-Along.
- Tapas at Dali
- Jazz at the Beehive and/or the RegattaBar
- More Gold Dust Orphans!
- Waterfire (Providence)
- Day Trips:
- Peabody Essex Museum & Salem, Mass
- Day Hike (Blueberry picking?)
- Mt.
Auburn Cemetery bird watching & walk
- Summer outdoor concerts
- Picnic
& optional camping on the Boston Harbor Islands (summer, of
- Visit to the Harvard Museum of Natural History
(the glass flowers!)
- Architectural
history walk through Cambridge
Have an idea for an event
you'd like us to do? Share it with us at
Cambridge Men's Group: Past Events
- Sat Feb 3: Sing-Along at Frank's Steak House
- Sun Feb 18: MIT Museum & Apres-Museum Pub
- Fri Mar 2: Almost, Maine at the SpeakEasy
Stage company, followed by a private post-show party with other gay
- Sun Mar 4: Movie & Apres-Movie Dinner
- Fri Mar 16: After-work Wine & Cheese Party Plus
- Sat Mar 17: The Plexiglass Menagerie - Ryan
Landry and the Gold Dust Orphans
- Thu Apr 19: Valhalla - Zeitgeist Stage &
dinner at Garden of Eden
- Sun Apr 29: NoCa Arts Open Studios
- Sun May 6: Mayfair in Harvard Square
- Sat May 12: Pot-Luck Dinner at Mark & Jody's.
- Gay & Lesbian Film Festival
(Men's Short Films & Eleven Men Out
(w/ Family Reunion)
- Fri Jun 8: Boston Gay Men's Chorus' 25th Anniversary
Concert & dinner.
- Sat Jun 9: Gay Pride - Pre-Pride Brunch at
Cambridge City Hall.
- Thu Jun 21: Author J. G. Hayes spoke & read
from his books Now Batting for Boston and A Map
of the Harbor Islands at the Cambridge Public Library, Central
Square Branch.
- Sun Jul 1: Potluck BBQ at Bill's house.
- Thurs July 12: Old-Time Candlepin Bowling at
Sacco's Bowl Haven in Davis Square.
- Fri July 27: Free Shakespeare on the Common: A
Midsummer Night's Dream & picnic.
- Wed August 1: Full Moon Walk with Chiltern Mountain
Club - Harvard Square.
- Fri Aug 17: Pot-Luck Dinner at Ken M's in Arlington.
- Sun Sept. 2: Beach Day at
Horseneck Beach & dinner at The Back Eddy.
- Sun Sept. 16: Cambridge
Men's Group Planning Meeting and
Movie Night.
and event planning at the Cambridge
Brewing Company at One
Square, and Death
at a Funeral at the Kendall Square Cinema.
- Sat Sept. 22: Roller
Blading & Picnic.
- Sun Sept. 30: Lunch on
the road ... Apple
Picking and a Hedge Maze
... Pizza & Movie
Night (Heathers)
at Mark & Jody's ... What a day!
- Tues. 2 Oct: Movie Night: The Kingdom, with
- Fri, Oct. 12: Zanna, Don't - SpeakEasy
Stage Company, with dinner before & socializing
- Sat Oct. 13: Arts Central
- Cambridge Men's Group member D.L. Polonsky's short comedy Midlife Cowboy
was presented as part of Cambridge's Arts Central weekend.
- Tues. 6 Nov: Movie Night: American Gangster,
with dinner/socializing after.
- Sun. 11 Nov: Board Games
Night across the river (at Rich G's).
- Fri. 16 Nov: Return to Old-Time
Candlepin Bowling at Sacco's Bowl Haven in Davis Square.
- Tues. 4 Dec: Movie Night: Margot at
the Wedding,
with dinner/socializing
- Thurs. Dec. 6, David
Valdes-Greeenwood reads from his new book A Little Fruitcake: A Boyhood in Holidays
at 7pm at Porter Square Books, with dinner before.
- Fri, Dec. 7: The Mystery of Edwin Drood -
Stage Company, with dinner before & socializing
- Sun, Dec. 9: Pot-Luck Brunch at David B.'s in
- Wed. Dec. 12: Cambridge Men's Group member Judah Leblang and Barbara
Beckwith reading from their work
at McIntyre and Moore Booksellers.
- Tues, Jan 1: New
Year's Day Pot-Luck Brunch
at Neil D's near Central Square.
- Sun Feb 3: Cambridge
Men's Group Planning Meeting.
Happy First Anniversary to the Cambridge Men's Group!
- Sun Feb 3: Super Bowl
watching at Neil's place.
- Fri Feb. 8: The Little Dog Laughed - SpeakEasy
Stage Company, with dinner before
& party hosted by SpeakEasy after.
- Sun Feb 17: BGMC
Cabaret: He
Loves Me ... He Loves Me ... NOT (followed by dinner) at the
Club Cafe.
- Wed Feb 20: Queer Short
Films (Love/Hate... queer relationships in all of
their gory glory)
& Dinner
in Harvard Square.
- Sat Feb 23: Dinner &
Ryan Landry's spoof of Medea.
- Fri Mar 21: Some Men
- SpeakEasy
Stage Company, with dinner before
& party hosted by SpeakEasy after.
- Sat Mar 22: Planning
Meeting, Dinner
& Games Night at Bill's.
- Sat March 29: What
was supposed to be Dinner &
Sing-Along with John O'Neill at Frank's
Steak House turned weird when Frank's had to close before we ordered
dinner because of an electrical malfunction. To be rescheduled soon.
- Fri April 11: Edward Albee’s Three Tall Women
at the Lyric Stage, with Dinner before
at Club Cafe.
- Sat April 26: The Full Monty,
at MIT's Little Kresge Theatre.
- Sun April 27: NoCa Arts
Open Studios.